- The quality of the company's products is n charoe of the quality management office directly led by the company's general manager, which consists of quality contro department, a guality inspection department, and a laboratory. The products strictly folow TSCD7002-2006 (presure pipeline componentsGB/T4219.1-2008. GB/T3802-2008, GB/T18998.1, GB/T1 8998 2, iSO related standards to oroanize production and acceptance
- The main production eauipment of the product: computerized automatic injiection molding machines anging from 100g to 1000g seres, automatic extrusionpipe production line seres, Cincinati Company n ltaly, Fuda Machinery Company in Taiwan and other word advanced production eouipment to ensure thestability of product quality.
- 0ur company has set up a special processing workshop mobile workshop to meet users' retuirements for non-standard products and special processingparts.
- 0ur company has passed IS09001-2008, S014001-2015,0HSAS 18001 management system certification,ervironmental management system certificationand occupational health and safety management system certfication. The compary wil operate in strict acordance with lSO9001-2008, S014001-2015. andHSAS 18001 reurements f has heen issued by the Genera Administratn of ua ty Sunerision. nsecton and Cuarantne of the Peonte's Benubic otChina Pressure Piping Components Production License, Zheiang Provincial Department of Health (China-made products invoving drinking water hygiene andsafety Producton Llicense Enterprise. in the Beting 0jympic swimming poo proiect. won the title of "Advanced Uit" in the production of supporting productsfor the 2008 Beiiing Olympics project!
Quality assurance

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