Detailed introduction to CPVC pipe performance

Detailed introduction to CPVC pipe performance
  • 2024-03-02 12:00:00

Strong corrosion resistance: Whether CPVC pipes are exposed to acid, alkali, salt, chlorination, or oxidation environments, exposed to the air, buried in corrosive soil, or even at high temperatures of 95°C, they will not be corroded inside or outside , still as strong and reliable as the original installation;

Smooth and clean pipes: The surface of CPVC pipes is smooth and clean, with less friction when transporting fluids, and bacteria and scale are not easy to grow and adhere;

Strong and pressure-resistant: CPVC is stronger than polyolefin materials, so it requires fewer clamps and brackets. Under the same pressure, the diameter of the pipeline is smaller than that of polyolefin pipes, while achieving the same flow rate, saving materials and installation time;

Good flame retardancy: The oxygen limiting index of CPVC is 60. The pipeline does not spontaneously ignite and does not support combustion. It also has the characteristics of limiting smoke and does not produce toxic gases;

Good thermal insulation performance and small thermal expansion: CPVC has low thermal conductivity, which can save most of the insulation materials and construction costs in winter, and will not distort or deform;

Good earthquake resistance: CPVC pipes have a good elastic modulus, are earthquake-resistant and can greatly reduce the water hammer effect;

Excellent aging resistance: CPVC pipes have excellent aging resistance and UV resistance, making their normal service life much longer than other pipeline systems;

Simple construction: CPVC pipes have a small specific gravity, the connection method is the same as PVC, and no accessories of other materials are needed;



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